Welcome to Mettā Walks

Welcome to your Digital Detox. 

Too often we distract ourselves with digital devices to get a break from our internal chatter. 
Become aware of your auto pilot. Observe your thought patterns and refine your habbits.  

Treat yourself to a Mettā Walk. 

Part silent retreat, part forrest bathing, part strength training for the mind. 

Silent practice. Outdoor activity. Guided Walking Meditation.

What is a Mettā Walk?

Mettā Walks are designed for urbanites in dire need of a digital detox.  Mettā Walks are silent.


Guided mindfulness walk. Silent guided group walk to improve your mood, reduce the physical symptoms of stress, improve your immune system, heart health, and manage symptoms of anxiety.

Qigong / Chi Kung

With the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being. Qigong has both psychological and physical components and involves the regulation of the mind, breath, and body’s movement and posture.


It is the nature of the mind to wander. Most of us need to develop the skill of keeping our minds from wandering. Mettā Walks apply Open-Monitoring Meditation to develop awareness & practice acceptance.


This is an invitation to defrag your mind. Become aware of the clutter and consciously direct your thought patterns. A clutter free brain is healthier and happier.

Ready to book a Mettā Walk?

Lancaster County Central Park 90 minute Mettā Walk

Guided walking meditation.
Gentle Qigong movements.
Medium level of fitness required.
No prior meditation experience required.

Lancaster County Central Park 60 minute Mettā Walk

Guided walking meditation.
Gentle Qigong movements.
Medium level of fitness required.
No prior meditation experience required.

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Booking Details
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Keine Kategorien und Dienstleistungen hinzugefügt!

Introduction to Qigong

We will practice basic Qigong movements to enhance our experience of the walk, loosen our limbs, relax our minds and focus our breath.

Learn more about me

The purpose of Mettā Walks is to cultivate inner loving kindness. It seems to me that the modern world has encouraged to us to be hypervigilant in detecting changes in other people and the environment around us leaving little time for us to sense what is going on inside ourselves. Mettā Walks are intended to remind us that the supposed competitive edge gained from our intimate understanding of the beings and places around us pales in comparison to the deep reservoir of insight and strength available to us through an intimate understanding of our internal workings. 

If we see that the mind in its worldly conditions is dependent on the body, but in essence is not the body; then we can see the possibility of a mind that is not dependent on a particular body but just any body - hence the possibility of rebirth.We can let go moment by moment and of one body for another.

And if this mind-essence or spirit becomes stable we se the possibility for it to detach completely from all bodies - or from physicality in itself. We will also see that while we live out our lives, the detached position is the mind contained within the body, neither in the world nor away from it, and that such detachment is gained by seeing suffering with compassion. Seeing suffering the mind lets go, but having compassion it does not withdraw.

Mettā Walk Days and Times

Happy to consider alternative days and times. Minimum 3 people required per time slot.

Monday & Tuesday Between 6:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Satursday Between 6:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Say Hello!

Based in Lancaster Pennsylvania

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© Mettā Walks All Copyrights Reserved. 

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